Blank paper booklets

Blank paper booklets

I make little blank paper booklets that my daughter can grab any time. She uses these little booklets for all kinds of silly, wild, creative writings and drawings.

I cut two sheets of paper in half, stack them and fold them in half, put two staples in the spine, and she’s got a place to stick her wonderfully odd brain. I usually make batches of 5-10 at a time.

I use two tools: a Carl brand rotary paper trimmer, and a long reach stapler.

The paper trimmer in particular was a great investment. Highly recommend this time-saving workhorse. I’ve had it for more than a decade, and I use it a LOT. It has easily replaceable blades (and a built-in holder for extra blades), but I’m still using the blade it came with, with no problems. I recently treated myself to a perforating blade and a scoring blade.

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