Irresponsible Day!

Irresponsible Day!

Last night Wanda thought of a new holiday, and we celebrated it today. IRRESPONSIBLE DAY! Enjoy it as it unfolded, starting with its creation yesterday:

(Not pictured: we didn’t get dressed today, we learned NOTHING [that’s a lie of course, we accidentally learned some stuff, whoops], and we turned the music up as high as it would go and listened to Good Golly Miss Molly.)

Very into this new holiday Wanda invented for tomorrow. Don’t know what it is, and IDGAF, that’s how in the spirit I am. (She did specify that it does not include setting fires in the house or going out without a mask, but does include ice cream for dinner.)
Irresponsible Day is off to a raging start with cupcakes in bed, while singing improv songs about the Revolutionary War. Benedict Arnold is getting ROASTED.
Irresponsible Day continues: Wanda is nominating this potato for president. A rousing campaign speech was given. “Potato potato potato potato, potato potato POTATO!” 🥔
Irresponsible Day: BEDLAM! She’s playing an educational game on the iPad WITHOUT cleaning up first!
HOLY SHIT THAT’S AN IRRESPONSIBLE AMOUNT OF STRAIGHT UNCUT GRAPE JUICE! She’s out of control! (She is using a coaster, though.)
I don’t know why this feels irresponsible, but it does? Bathroom sink straw bubbles: IRRESPONSIBLE!
We ate all the cookies. IRRESPONSIBLE!
She’s doing science experiments with her chewing gum—bouncing it on the ground, seeing how far it can stretch—WITHOUT RECORDING HER PREDICTIONS, HER CONDITIONS, HER FINDINGS! NO CONTROLS, NO INFORMED CONSENT! SHE SKIRTED OUR INSTITUTION’S IRB! This is IRRESPONSIBLE SCIENCE!
Untitled, by Wanda Singe Trott, 2020, wood and chewing gum. If a piece of art forces you to confront your reflexive feelings of discomfort with irresponsibility, does the work then become… itself a form of elevated responsibility? 🧐
Ice cream and pickles for Irresponsible Dinner.
Made myself a Suffering Irresponsible Bastard.
Sorry, President Potato. You were just too pure for this world. (Actually… Wanda has some ~emotions~ around President Potato, and insisted we only eat the Potato Congressmen. After a spirited debate about the importance of checks and balances [and after my sweet love buried her face in my chest with quiet, gentle, genuine tears for her beloved President Potato], I relented. He lives! There was, however, a massacre in the House & the Senate.)
Irresponsible Day calls for a PEZ nightcap. Turns out she still has PEZ candy leftover from Easter??? This kid is entirely too responsible.
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