Table Top Shakespeare

If you could use a distraction over the next few days, consider brushing up your Shakespeare with this fun “Table Top Shakespeare” series on YouTube.
A talented storyteller tells the plot of the play in plain but engaging English, using regular household objects to be the various characters, and moving them around on a table top. Each play takes about an hour, and it’s a wonderfully accessible way to learn more about these stories you grew up with but maybe never *actually* read or saw. The Forced Entertainment troupe in Sheffield, UK normally stages these table-top plays in theaters, but bing-bang-covid, now they’re filming them at home and sharing them with the world, free of charge. It’s rather cool of them.
They’re doing all of Shakespeare’s plays, and will have them available to watch until Nov. 30. Wanda’s favorite is A Midsummer Night’s Dream, so here you go: