What I Want to Learn

Written on a whiteboard: "Want to learn: - rainforest -why do people have different eye colors? Does it really matter?"

We start every Monday morning with Wanda telling me what she wants to learn this week. It’s not the meat of her learning, maybe one day it will be. We tackle the items she comes up with through the week, or sometimes in future weeks, usually in the afternoons. If she’s really fired up about a great, meaty question, we’ll clear the decks to dive in right away.

My hope is that with time she’ll take ownership of what she’s learning and why, and will grow into being self-directed. Another big benefit is that it demonstrates to her on a regular basis that she has a voice in her learning—adds to that all-important buy-in. Anything that fans the embers of her curiosity is fantastic.

Written on a whiteboard: "Want to learn: - rainforest -why do people have different eye colors? Does it really matter? - build a bridge town - make posters about climate change and other stuff - how do birds use the magnetic field?"
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