Irresponsible Day 2021!

Following in the tradition Wanda started last year, today was IRRESPONSIBLE DAY!

Not pictured: Wanda was IRRESPONSIBLE and played with her Kool-Aid-stained pink spit. She thinks it was too gross to share, because it would make you throw up. Her ears were deaf to my pleas that making people throw up would be IRRESPONSIBLE.

Want more IRRESPONSIBLE? Check out last year's festivities:
Irresponsible Day!
Last night Wanda thought of a new holiday, and we celebrated it today. IRRESPONSIBLE DAY! Enjoy it as it unfolded, starting with its creation yesterday: (Not pictured: we didn’t get dressed today, we learned NOTHING [that’s a lie of course, we accidentally learned some stuff, whoops], and we

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