The Writing Revolution downloadable lessons
I'm sharing all of the The Writing Revolution-style lessons I've created, using content from our various curricula. Maybe you can use them, too!

I have used my The Writing Revolution activity templates to create lessons using the content we're learning in other subjects. Just in case some of you out there are using the same books or curricula, here they are!

Most of the subject matter has been science or history. Sometimes we work on these together, to model the thought process of crafting a good sentence, and to discuss the possibilities.

I'll continue to add more lessons here on this page as I create them.
Most websites make you give up your email address in exchange for free printables. I don't want our relationship to be like that! If you want to subscribe, you'll subscribe. (It's free, you won't get anything but my posts about homeschooling, and I won't share your email, because that'd be gross.) If you want these printables, just download them! (Don't turn around and sell them, though, c'mon.)
Open these in Google Docs, and then make a copy to your own Google Drive.
Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding
You can read about BFSU in an earlier post about how we're using this excellent science curriculum.
Vol. 1, A-10, Rocks and Minerals - Scrambled Sentences activity (Google Docs)
I print the second page on card stock, and then cut out the words so she can play with word order. Each sentence is color-coded so that the words from different sentences won't get mixed up.
Vol. 1, B-9, How Animals Use Energy - Find the Fragments activity (Google Docs)
Vol. 1, D-8, Rocks, Dirt, and Fossils - Fix the Fragments activity (Google Docs)
Vol. 1, D-8, Rocks, Dirt, and Fossils - Scrambled Sentences activity (Google Docs)
I print the second page on card stock, and then cut out the words so she can play with word order. Each sentence is color-coded so that the words from different sentences won't get mixed up.
Vol. 2, A-11, Atomic/Molecular Motion - Scrambled Sentences activity (Google Docs)
I print the second page on card stock, and then cut out the words so she can play with word order. Each sentence is color-coded so that the words from different sentences won't get mixed up.
The Science of Climate Change
A homeschooling course, available as a PDF from SEA Homeschoolers.
Part 1: The Greenhouse Effect - Sentence Combining activity (Google Docs)
Combining these sentences is beyond what my kid is ready to do on her own. We used this as a modeling activity, doing it together at the whiteboard, experimenting with different ways we could combine the ideas. The end result was a somewhat clunkier sentence than I would use in real life, which was itself a good talking point, deciding when to combine and when to keep separate.
Harriet Tubman - Scrambled Sentences activity (Google Docs)
For use after reading the Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales book "The Underground Abductor." I print the second page on card stock, and then cut out the words so she can play with word order. Each sentence is color-coded so that the words from different sentences won't get mixed up.
How to Start a Revolution - Fix the Fragments activity (Google Docs)
About the US Revolutionary War, to be used after reading Chapter 1 of the book "King George, What Was His Problem?", "How to Start a Revolution."
How to Start a Revolution - Because, But, So activity (Google Docs)
About the US Revolutionary War, to be used after reading Chapter 1 of the book "King George, What Was His Problem?", "How to Start a Revolution."
English Colonization of North America - Because, But, So activity (Google Docs)
For use after reading "The Roanoke Colony" from the History Comics series (the same folks who make Science Comics).
World War I - Brainstorming Details activity (Google Docs)
For use after reading the Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales book "Treaties, Trenches, Mud, and Blood," and/or after watching season four of Blackadder.
World War I - Topic Sentence & Supporting Details activity (Google Docs)
For use after reading the Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales book "Treaties, Trenches, Mud, and Blood," chapter 2.
World War I - Matching Details activity (Google Docs)
For use after reading the Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales book "Treaties, Trenches, Mud, and Blood," chapters 3-6.
Greek Mythology
Atalanta - Subordinating Conjunctions activity (Google Docs)
For use after reading the story of Atalanta, we did this after reading the Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes book, and we also listened to a Greeking Out podcast of the story.
United States Presidents - Fix the Fragments activity (Google Docs)
Cats (our go-to topic for modeling)
Cats - Run-on Sentence activity (Google Docs)

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